Just this month here in Connecticut, we heard about a Stamford man who beat his daughter because he wasn't happy with the grades she earned on her report card. The mother was complicit in the abuse as well - she kept her daughter out of school the next day for fear that someone would question the bruises.
But the story barely got 4 short paragraphs of coverage by the area's leading newspaper, in a month when our news outlets have a real opportunity to, in a public forum, discuss domestic violence as a serious issue in our homes.
We need to place equal importance on domestic violence as a cause and its impact on our Connecticut families and community. And it's crucial to note that the issue is broader than spousal abuse, as the Stamford case demonstrates - we need to be educated about emotional abuse, teen dating violence and all forms of stalking, including electronic stalking via the internet and cell phones.
Let's not forget about the other causes that need our support, this month and beyond.