
The Burnt-Out Feminist

I must admit that one of my biggest pet peeves when dealing with those of older generations than yours is when the person minimizes my stress or level of exhaustion simply because of my age. Just because I am 24 years old does not mean that I do not have anything to worry about besides painting my nails, flat-ironing my hair, and stalking the latest trend on Facebook. The fact is I am 24 years old, do all of that, AND also go to graduate school full-time with two internships, waitress part time for some type of income, have two classes to worry about and take care of a dog, boyfriend, friendships, and family in my "free time". Not to mention the piles of folded laundry that seem to never be able to get back into that bureau, the dishes that never seem to put themselves away, and the other mundane chores that are simply overlooked. Oh, and how could I possibly forget how much fun it is to deal with the student loans and pressure to find full-time employment to pay such loans, as well as simply live and function in life, in this sad economy.

I am young, yes, but I am stressed like any other person in America today. According to this article, though, women are really falling prey to such stress and exhaustion, especially those 30 years or younger! Check it out & school yourself! Don't let yourself become another one of the fallen...

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